Have you been feeling afraid, lately? Fear is everywhere. News stations use it to drive up their ratings. Politicians use it to get people onboard with their cause. Parents might use it to motivate their children, or teachers their students. But why is fear used so often and by so many different people and groups?
Sermon: Humility Struggles Toward the Narrow Door (Luke 13:22–30 | Pentecost 14C)
Humility is a tricky thing. We recognize that being humble is a good thing and that having a domineering ego that takes hold of us and dictates all of our decisions tends to go very poorly. But how often is humility seen as a sign of weakness, something that can be taken advantage of? False-humility is also a problem, making it look like you’re humble but it’s only a show.
Jesus in our Gospel for this morning forces us into real humility, humility that recognizes what we are by nature and what we need God to do for us. This humility, when properly applied, causes us to struggle through this life to the narrow door of eternal life with him, trusting his forgiveness to undo our grievous and innumerable faults.
Sermon: Sometimes Peace Means Conflict (Luke 12:49-53 | Pentecost 13C)
Peace is generally seen as a good thing. We’d rather have peace with our neighbor than be the midst of a feud over the fence. We’d rather have peace with a coworker rather than dealing with passive-aggressive animosity.
And yet, Jesus seems to put a wet blanket on our joy and aspirations for peace, doesn’t he? He said in our lesson for this morning, “I came to throw fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already ignited. But I have a baptism to undergo, and how distressed I am until it is finished! Do you think that I came to bring peace on the earth? No, I tell you, but rather division.” So, were the angels wrong? Did Simeon have a false comfort? Is Jesus set on bringing peace or not?
Sermon: Loving Your Neighbor Means Loving All (Deuteronomy 14:17-22 | Pentecost 8C)
Sermon: God Visits His People (Luke 7:11-17 | Pentecost 3C)
Jesus’ resurrection gives us a glimpse of what is to come. Our tomb will be like his tomb. Our coffin will be like the young man in Nain’s coffin. That is to say, empty. Because Jesus has defeated death for us, we will live with him forever. Physical death will likely claim our life unless Jesus returns before that day. But that death is only temporary. Our eternal lives are safe and secure with the God who visited his people to save them.
Sermon: The Trinity Is United for Your Good (John 16:12-15 | Trinity, Year C)
We may not be able to explain the how’s of the Triune God, but we know the what’s and the why’s: God loves us. We are freed from the debt we owed to God. We are rescued from hell. We will be with our Triune God face-to-face in eternal life, just as he originally intended for us to be. Thank you, Father, Son, and Spirit, for these and so many other blessings!
Sermon: What Does Pentecost Mean? (Acts 2:1-21 | Pentecost, Year C)
Sermon: How Do We Become All Things to All People? (1 Corinthians 9:7-12, 19-23 | Pentecost 22B)
Paul recognized that the Christian ministry was all about adaption. That while the message of the Christian faith cannot be modified, changed, or compromised, he notes that we also can’t just ram-rod one, single-minded approach down the throat of anyone we come into contact with. We will want to adapt. But that begs the question here in 21st Century America, 21st Century Northern California, how do we become all things to all people?
Sermon: Submit to One Another (Ephesians 5:21–6:4 | Pentecost 20B)
If you have paid any attention to current events, you’ve seen a great deal of time spent and ink spilled on personal relationships. How should a man treat a woman? A woman a man? A husband his wife? A wife her husband? A parent their child? A child their parent? How should coworkers interact with each other? How should friends treat each other? How do members of a congregation interact with one another in a way that brings glory to God?
Sermon: God’s Word is What We Need to Hear, Not What We Want to Hear (Jeremiah 38:1-13 | Pentecost 17B)
When you sit down with that friend or family member for that tough conversation, there may be no real fix to the problems. They just be things that now you have to deal with. But with God’s bad news? He provides the certain solution. The law that condemns us is overwhelmed by the gospel, the good news that Jesus has saved us.
So don’t rebel against what God says to you, painful as it might be. Listen to it. Listen to all of it. It might not be what you want to hear, but it is what you need to hear, because in that message of sin and forgiveness of that sin is comfort of your eternal life! Amen.
Sermon: Live Your New Birth in the Word of Truth! (James 1:17-27 | Pentecost 15B)
When God brought you to faith, when he gave you birth through his Word of truth, that was a life-changing event. It didn’t just change that moment; it changed the whole rest of your life. Enjoy that new life, that new status with God. Love that Word where he reminds you of all that he’s done for you every day. Love others as God has loved you. Live your life with the strength that God continues to give!
Sermon: There’s No Place Like Home (John 6:60-69 | Pentecost 14B)
Jesus is home for now, and for eternity. Without Jesus, we have nothing to show for our lives. Without Jesus, we have hell as our eternal destination. Without Jesus, we may deceive ourselves into thinking things are fine when they’re really not. But what do we have with Jesus? With Jesus we receive the words of eternal life—the assurance of our complete forgiveness because Jesus lived and died for us. With Jesus we are with the Holy One of God—the Holy One who saves us, who have not been holy. With Jesus, we are home, truly home, eternally home.
Sermon: Gnaw on Your Savior (John 6:51-58 | Pentecost 13B)
In our Gospel this morning, we continue down the path of Jesus’ teaching the crowd in the events surrounding his feeding of the 5,000 men on the hillside. Jesus has been trying to get the people to lift their eyes heavenward, to see that there’s more to this life than what is immediately surrounding them. They shouldn’t be following him hoping for their next free lunch; they should be following them because he provides eternal life.
Sermon: Work for Food that Endures to Eternal Life (John 6:24-35 | Pentecost 11B)
Jesus provides us with spiritual bread and water that leaves us refreshed and satisfied to eternity. That food and drink is his Word. That food and drink is his life, death, and resurrection. In the Bread of Life we have forgiveness for all of our misguided priorities and short-sighted prayers. In Jesus we have forgiveness that doesn’t just get us through a day, or week, or year; we have forgiveness that nourishes through eternal life. Every sin is gone; in Jesus we live forever.
Sermon: God’s Overflowing Grace Leads to Overflowing Thanksgiving (2 Corinthians 9:8-11 | Pentecost 10B)
Sermon: Jesus is our Rest-Giver (Mark 6:30-34 | Pentecost 9B)
Have you ever been in that situation where you feel pulled in about eighteen different directions? Stress doesn’t do anything good to us, and stress on top of physically and emotionally draining times can just compound things. When you’re under that kind of load, take Jesus’ advice. Go with him to a quiet place and get some rest. Quiet time in restful meditation with God’s Word is very often a solution to the problems that await us and the things that need our attention. Time with Jesus changes our outlook, drowns our sinful nature again, and recharges us to face what we need to do with renewed zeal. That’s why our personal and family devotions are so very important. Very often they may be the one time that we get some rest, emotionally and spiritually, to recharge.
Sermon: Continue In the Things You Have Learned (2 Timothy 3:10-4:5 | Pentecost 7B)
God’s Word is not something we outgrow. It’s not something that uses up its usefulness. We will never have anything more important in our lives than that beautiful, perfect Word of God, through which God brings us to faith in our Savior and assures us of eternal life. May that Word be the center of your joy and the priority of your life now and forever! Amen.
Sermon: Who Do You Think God Is? (Proverbs 30:4-5 | Pentecost 5B)
Sermon: Guard Your Heart Carefully (Proverbs 4:23)
Above all else, guard your heart carefully, because your life flows from it. Don’t let anything and everything come into your heart because it’s too precious, too much is riding on your heart being focused on your Savior. Thanks be to God that through his Word, the Holy Spirit keeps that focus on Him for us. He does what we cannot do, what we need Him to do. He focuses you on your Savior and then your life flows from it, your eternal life especially, but even your day-to-day life as well.